
manbetx苹果客户端下载 is strongly committed to maintaining the privacy of individuals’ personal data and information. 此外,VCU仅在必要的范围内收集个人数据和信息.


The following information explains the internet privacy practices the university has adopted for its official university sites. 这不应被解释为合同承诺, 大学保留随时修改本声明的权利,恕不另行通知. 隐私 and public records obligations of the university are governed by applicable Virginia statutes, 包括, 但不限于, the Virginia 隐私 Protection Act of 1976 and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; applicable U.S. federal laws; and 其他大学政策.


A VCU官方网站 is a web page or social media page with content managed and maintained by the university in support of its mission.


当您访问VCU的官方网站时,这些网站是VCU管理的网页, 自动收集以下信息:

  • 您的IP地址
  • 日期和时间
  • 访问的页面和访问时间
  • 在VCU官方网站上进行的搜索
  • 使用的浏览器类型,计算平台
  • 参考网页,如果有的话

通过vcu管理的网页不会自动收集其他信息. 您可以选择通过电子邮件或在线表格提交“可选信息”.

VCU官方网站s that are VCU-managed social media pages have access to non-identifiable aggregate data collected by the social media platforms. The only identifiable information available to VCU is through publicly submitted optional information in the form of user engagement such as comments, 点赞或分享.


  • 通过电子邮件发送的信息,包括电子邮件元数据
  • 您通过VCU官方网站上的表格提交给我们的信息
  • Any engagement such as comments, likes, shares, upvotes or downvotes you post on a VCU官方网站


A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on the device you used to access the website. The cookie is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. cookie的目的是识别用户,以便为他们准备定制的网页, 并允许VCU优先考虑和改进交付给其网站访问者的内容. 以下类型的cookie可能会在VCU官方网站上使用:

  • 非持久化cookie: 一些VCU官方站点使用非持久性cookie来满足表单请求, 所以当你浏览网页的时候, 该网站将记住自定义设置, 做出的选择和选择的内容. 关闭浏览器后,这些cookie将被自动丢弃. 
  • 持久的饼干: Some VCU官方网站s use persistent cookies in order to provide improved service and enhance website performance. 这些cookie帮助VCU统计访问VCU网页的人数, track visitor engagement on VCU web pages and improve the content VCU provides through its websites. 这些cookie不会在浏览器关闭时自动丢弃.
  • 网络信标和第三方cookie: Some VCU官方网站s may use web beacons along with third party non-persistent and persistent cookies to collect non-identifiable data from site visitors. VCU uses this collected data to prioritize and improve the content it delivers to its site visitors and to promote the university in a manner that is most relevant to its site visitors.


学校可能会提供名字, 电子邮件地址和/或电话号码由大学收集到数字服务, 包括社交媒体平台, search engines and data aggregators for the purpose of reaching audiences via those platforms to promote the university and its services. 具体地说:

  • vcu管理的社交媒体页面可以访问社交媒体平台收集的数据. The data gathered does not normally contain any identifiable information and is mainly used for statistical insights into understanding the success of posts, 活动和网络. 您可能会收到基于您提供给社交媒体网络的统计数据的广告. You can opt out of this service by changing your privacy settings within each social media network. 有关通过社交媒体网络投放广告的退出选项的信息和链接, 请参阅以下“Cookie”部分,网络信标和其他网络隐私控制.”
  • 偶尔, some VCU social media pages may use third party tools such as a data aggregator to pull publicly available data from these pages, 例如配置文件名称, 评论和其他社会互动信息. This information may be cross-referenced with personal data that has been gathered with informed consent, 例如邮件列表. VCU social media pages that participate in this type of data aggregation will have information on how to opt out in the “关于” section of their social media pages. 您还可以通过电子邮件收到任何参与页面的列表以及选择退出的方法 socialmedia@337jy.com


作为一个互联网用户, 您可以使用多种工具来控制cookie, 网络信标和类似的技术. Please note that the blocking of cookies and web beacons may impact your experience with VCU web content.

了解更多关于饼干的信息, 网络信标或用于传递广告的类似技术, 以及如何选择退出, 请查阅以下网上资源:


VCU may use non-identifying and aggregate information to improve the experience of visitors to VCU官方网站s. 在某些情况下, 此汇总信息可与VCU签订托管合同的外部各方共享, manage or analyze the collected information for the purpose of delivering and improving the content on VCU官方网站s. 

我们将客户信息保存在我们的系统中, 网页传送后的州和联邦记录保留要求, but we do not try to obtain any information to link it to the individuals who browse our website. 当我们检测到针对我们一个或多个网站的网络威胁时, logs of access information are retained to permit a security investigation and in such cases may be forwarded together with any other relevant information in our possession to law enforcement agencies.

We use the information you provide about yourself when placing an order or request only to complete that order or request. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order or request. 类似的, we use the information you provide about someone else when placing an order or request only to complete that order or request. 再一次。, we do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete that order or request.

我们通常只使用回复邮件地址来回复我们收到的邮件. Such addresses are generally not used for any other purpose and by university and state policy are not shared with outside parties.

最后, we never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without clear notice and the opportunity to opt out or otherwise prohibit such uses.


VCU官方网站可能包含外部(非VCU直接附属)网站的链接. VCU不对外部组织的隐私实践或内容负责. We recommend you review the privacy statements of each external site that collects personal information.  


There is no requirement for you to provide any information at our website; however, some features or services may not be made available to you without the collection of some information.


防止未经授权的访问, 维护信息的准确性,确保信息的正确使用, 我们有适当的和行业标准的物理, 电子和管理程序,以保障和保护我们在网上收集的信息, consistent with the policies of the university and with the laws and regulations of the commonwealth of Virginia.


您控制您的个人资料,您可以选择向VCU披露您的个人资料. 如果您通过我们的网站向VCU提供您的个人资料, 除非法律禁止, 你有权要求复核, 修改或删除您的个人资料.


如果您对本隐私声明有其他问题或疑虑, 或与隐私相关的政策和实践, 请电子邮件 webmaster@337jy.com. 如果您希望查看或更改通过VCU官方网站收集的有关您的信息, 您可以联系 webmaster@337jy.com, who will assist locating the person directly responsible for requests to review or change your personal data.